Welcome to Challenge Chapter Trout Unlimited
Minutes - November 11
Board & Chapter Meeting Minutes 11/11/14
Attendees: Ken McClellan, Gordon Baughman, Dan Cronin, Tony Greening, Chris Brecht, Greg Baughman, Jim Zyla, Conrad Surdu, Ron Graham, Jerry Rivard, Douglas Shore, Bill Harber, Mollie Proctor, Daniel Schnarr, and Rich Bruder
MITU Nominations for Annual Awards. MITU website has the necessary forms. If you have a nominee please let the board know.
Salmon in the classroom - check if there is a memo that goes out to schools.
Holiday Social - 12/9/2014 .Cost is $25 and includes dinner and open bar. For tickets go to http://clintonvalleytu.com/
The Cahpter will raffle a coaster brook trout and books to sell. We'll have a sign-up sheet for the steelhead book and special price of $25 with pickup at the spring expo
Steelhead book - will be ready for expo. Donation to the west coast steeelhead initiative will be made for each book sold.
Work weekends - May 16th - fishing only, June 27th @ Fullers, August 15th @ Wa Wa Sum, September 12th @ Rayburn (river clean up)
MITU Conservation chair is offering money and potentially projects and helpers.
Education Chair - Fly Tying class will start 1/5/15 for 10 weeks. Signup through Birmingham Continuing Education website http://www.communityed.net/.
Treasurer - $23,080 in the checking account.
The chapter will place an ad in Michigan Trout and National TU magazine for the steelhead book. Possibly in a steelhead magazine.