
You are invited to participate in a Zoom meeting where Lucas Buxton from Patagonia Nomads will share a documentary on fly fishing in Argentina. We anticipate that this will be very entertaining and informative. Lucas will present a travel log on the recent fishing adventures and discuss opportunities for our fly fishing community to join in for trips in the future.

The meeting will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, October 8th at 6:30PM. The presentation will be about 1.5 hours.

Please use the following link to join the meeting:

You can learn more about Patagonia Nomads at their website:

October 2019

Date: Tuesday | October 29, 2019
Time: 7:00 | EST
Location: Rusty Bucket Bloomfield Hills

I. Welcome & Call to Order
     A TU Challenge Chapter board meeting was held October 29, 2019 at the Rusty Bucket in Bloomfield Hills. It began at 7:17 pm and was presided over by Mollie Proctor,         Chapter President, with minutes recorded by Dave Lockwood, Chapter Secretary.

II. Attendees
     Members Present: Mollie Proctor, Jud Street, Ed Coe, Dave Baumhart, Dave Parker, Dan Cronin, Jim Zyla, Dave Lockwood
     Member Apologies: Kelvin Conner, Conrad Surdu

III. Approval of Previous Minutes
     A motion to approve the minutes of the September 19, 2019 meeting was made by Mollie, seconded by Dan, and approved by the board.

IV. Agenda
     Board members and other responsible individuals give a small report of what occurred since the last board meeting was held. The agenda for the current meeting is               reviewed, corrections are made, and last minute items are added.

Treasurer’s Report
     Led by Mollie Proctor and Ed Coe.

     Key Elements:
          • Currently there is approximately $16,500 in Challenge Chapter account
          • Given the widespread presence of online scams/fraud attempts, a reminder was shared to never communicate sensitive chapter information via e-mail
          • CC annual budget needs to be drafted
          • For tax purposes, MI and National TU must include a record of hours spent by Chapter Board members on meetings/travel. Forms/link for recording hours will be                  distributed once located.

          Action Items:                                            Owner(s)                    Deadline                           Status
         Draft preliminary Chapter budget                 Mollie and Ed               Next Board meeting           IN PROGRESS

         Send out time recording forms                    Mollie and Board           Next Board meeting           ONGOING         

Chapter Calendar
     Led by Mollie Proctor.

     Key Activities:
          • Discussion regarding October 10 chapter meeting and presenter Mike Sipkowski (past president of Adams TU Chapter).
          • Agreement to cancel November chapter meeting, given timing of deer season and Thanksgiving holiday this year.
          • Agreement to participate in multi-chapter holiday party hosted by Clinton Valley TU on December 10 at Camp Ticonderoga in Troy.
          • Nicole Watson (MSU doctoral candidate involved with Grayling reintroduction efforts) confirmed as speaker for January 9 chapter meeting at Lockhart’s in Royal Oak.              Similar to October presenter, board will determine possible donation after gaining deeper understanding of initiative’s goals and needs. Request was made to                        emphasize convenient parking deck located near Lockhart’s in meeting announcement communications.
          • Discussion of potential speakers for February, March and April chapter meetings.

          Action Items:                                         Owner(s)                      Deadline                            Status
         Send out CCTU meeting announcements    Jud                               Nov 6                                COMPLETE

         and reserve Lockhart’s for January                

         Identify potential speakers for future meetings All board members Next board meeting IN PROGRESS

Dealer Sales/Guidebooks
     Led by Mollie Proctor.

          Key Points:
               • Discussion regarding the need for a strategy and concerted effort to expand distribution and sales of our Guidebooks.
               • Dave P provided a list of fly shops in Michigan’s lower peninsula that currently do not sell them. 
               • Maureen Shoup volunteered at Oct chapter meeting to help with outreach to potential sellers.
               • Discussion of board/chapter members visiting key sellers on opening day to promote book sales/deals
               • Painted Trout in Dexter has placed a book order and will begin selling.
               • Discussion regarding update of Manistee River book in order to have inventory to sell at next spring’s Expo. Committee consisting of Dave P, Jud, and Rich will                        lead the update.
               • Discussion of how to optimize the use of Prosek coaster trout prints (1-24 out of 100)

         Action Items:                                                                                      Owner(s)                        Deadline                             Status
        +  Dave P and Maureen Shoup to coordinate development of                 Dave P/Maureen S            Next Board meeting             IN PROGRESS                        

            introduction letter to prospects and testimonials from current sellers

        +   Manistee Update Committee (Dave P, Jud, Richard Bruder, others)    Dave P                            TBD                                   ONGOING                                        

             to meet in late Nov/early Dec to initiate updates

        +   Marketing Committee (Dave B, Dave L, Greg B, Jud, others) to         TBD                                Next Board meeting              IN PROGRESS

              meet to coordinate holiday book sales promotion (website, Facebook) 

        +   Call Graphics East re: printing schedule                                          Dave P                             Next Board meeting             IN PROGRESS

        +   Get Prosek print framed/placed at Gates Lodge                               Jud                                  Next Board meeting             IN PROGRESS

New Business
     Led by Mollie Proctor.

     Key Points:
          • Discussion regarding Adams Chapter TU grant request and possible donation levels.
          • Discussion regarding design of CCTU member shirts/merchandise.
          • Member name tags are available for $10 through Dan (5 requests are needed to place order)
          • Discussion regarding the need for greater CCTU involvement with family/youth fishing days the chapter will be sponsoring next year (shirt/signage visibility, fly                          casting demonstration/participation, etc.)
          • Kelvin indicated the CCTU fly tying class is a go for January!

     Action Items                                                                                           Owner(s)                       Deadline                              Status
     +   Attending board members voted unanimously to grant $1000              Mollie/Ed                        Next Board meeting              IN PROGRESS

          to Adams TU Chapter for continued work on Boardman River initiative

     +   CCTU chapter shirts need to be designed – members encouraged        Mollie/Dan                      Next Board meeting              IN PROGRESS

          to contribute ideas and provide feedback

     +   Sign up for fly tying class through Birmingham adult ed.                     Kelvin                             TBD                                    IN PROGRESS                

V. Announcements and Reminders
      Continue to think about possible future chapter speakers and ways to stimulate book sales/revenue

VI. Next Scheduled Meetings
     Chapter Meeting                               Thursday, January 9th                              Lockhart’s BBQ, Royal Oak
     Board Meeting                                  Date TBD                                                Rusty Bucket, Bloomfield Hills

VII. Adjournment
     Mollie Proctor moved that the meeting be adjourned, and this was agreed upon at 8:54.


Minutes Prepared by Dave Lockwood
Secretary Approval