
You are invited to participate in a Zoom meeting where Lucas Buxton from Patagonia Nomads will share a documentary on fly fishing in Argentina. We anticipate that this will be very entertaining and informative. Lucas will present a travel log on the recent fishing adventures and discuss opportunities for our fly fishing community to join in for trips in the future.

The meeting will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, October 8th at 6:30PM. The presentation will be about 1.5 hours.

Please use the following link to join the meeting:

You can learn more about Patagonia Nomads at their website:

February 2019

Challenge Chapter Board Meeting – February 5, 2019

 Meeting called to order 7:10 pm.

 In attendance: Dan Cronin, Jim Zyla, Kelvin Connor, Dave Parker, Conrad Surdu, Judd Street

 Treasurer Report:       Current bank balance             $12,849.82

                                    We have no current requests for donations

                                    We are on target for upcoming Fly Fishing Expo


Old Business:

            Outings – Four options discussed regarding number of outings

  1. Should we drop 2 outings?
  2. Drop lodges requiring 10+ people
  3. Pick one: Wawasum or Fullers or Au Sable Valley View
  4. Add Woodland Springs as a September outing.

Consensus from discussion led to a motion to drop May – July outing and have two outings; August – Wa Wa Sum and September – Cast/Blast


New Business:

  1. Discussion of National TU recomendations/response to headwaters Chapter Treasurer Thefts. 30K was stolen; it has been paid back by the guilty party.

           TU State Council discussed having 2 persons sign chapter checks.

           State council made motion that chapter banks send statement to both treasurer and chapter president and report at chapter meeting.

  1. Last year requests were received from CRWC, Cedars of the AuSable, Coaster Brook Trout, Michigan TU, Junglecock Org.
  2. Clinton Valley Banquet Offer

       4. Discussion revolving around Clinton Valley Chapter Banquet and should we support it.  Is apparently a money maker thru bucket item & meal sales.  Consensus was               we would not do it but would pass out information about the banquet.

  1. Expo preparations & booth.

               Discussion indicated we would have an “Expo” meeting in March, prior to the Exposition.  We need to make sure the iPad is working.

  1. New Board Members:

             The issue is the trouble of getting volunteers to serve on the board.  Discussion included ways to do this; among them were “talking it up” at the membership                       meetings.

  1. Kids Fishing: We have a jumble of rods, reels, tackle that need to be “Cleaned Up”, hooks tied to lines, etc.  These are used at Johnson's N.C. for kids fishing days.


Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm

Respectively submitted by Dave Parker