
You are invited to participate in a Zoom meeting where Lucas Buxton from Patagonia Nomads will share a documentary on fly fishing in Argentina. We anticipate that this will be very entertaining and informative. Lucas will present a travel log on the recent fishing adventures and discuss opportunities for our fly fishing community to join in for trips in the future.

The meeting will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, October 8th at 6:30PM. The presentation will be about 1.5 hours.

Please use the following link to join the meeting:

You can learn more about Patagonia Nomads at their website:

October 2018

In Attendance: Jim Zyla, Kelvin Connor, Greg Baughman, Gordon Baughman, Mollie Proctor, Jud Street, Conrad Sordu, Dan Cronin


Secretary’s Report:
· September minutes approved.
· We reaffirmed the donation amounts from last month.

Treasurer’s Report:
· Check book balance is $13,907.59.
· We have no outstanding receivables.
· The budget is being prepared.
· We have three PayPal sweeps showing as ‘pending’. Treasurer will investigate.

Tom Quail meeting reactions:
· Frustrations that he came away from our meeting thinking that as a chapter we were considering disbanding – nothing could be further from the truth. Jim Zyla to advise him of that fact so misinformation is not unintentionally spread.
· We are going to try and get the new MTU president (Greg Walz) to meet with us.

Email correspondence:
· Yahoo Groups will be dropped as our method of communication to the chapter.


Book Inventory:
· The only book title inventory that is low is the Lower Au Sable, so we need to allow $2,500 in the budget for printing costs later this year.

Family oriented outing:
· Two Woodland Springs Club members have been approached with the idea of hosting a ‘family’ oriented outing in September. The intent is to include spouses and children. The response was favourable and it is a ‘go’ for the last weekend in September (Sept 27-29, 2019).

November meeting speaker:
· Joe Hemming of the Anglers of the Au Sable will be our speaker at Lockhart’s BBQ in Royal Oak on November 12th at 7:30pm. Jud Street will contact him for his bio and a summary of his talk regarding the Grayling Fish Farm so that we can properly promote the talk. All SE Michigan TU chapters will be invited. Mollie Proctor will prepare a flyer for distribution as soon as that info is collected. A $500 donation to ‘Anglers’ was approved.
· Send out MailChimp email (with flyer) to promote Joe Hemming’s talk and then follow up with phone calls to members. We need to secure the membership contact info and then divvy up the names/numbers to the board members.
· Decision made to not approach the other chapters for help with the costs associated with Dennis Potter and Ann Miller.

Membership outreach:
· Use Mailchimp only for all correspondence also – reaches complete TU National list
· Use Facebook more often to reach those who use it often. Any member can post.
· Assign a person to meet and introduce any new members to our meetings and to then stay in contact with them after the meeting. This is a shared duty among board members.

Board and General Meetings:
· Discussion on whether we need to continue a separate board meeting for the remainder of the year. We will try a combined meeting in November.

Pleissner framed print:
· Discussion on the best way to sell the print to raise funds for the chapter. It was decided to sell the framed print to Dan Cronin.

Outing attendance:
· We need to discuss with the chapter how many outings we should have going forward. Gordon is preparing a recommendation.
· Concurrent with that is the need for a policy regarding deposits to reserve a spot at the outings so that if something unavoidable comes up for a member, the chapter is not hurt too badly by having to cover the full cost of that person’s lodging.

Future meetings:
· Proposed meeting speakers/topics:
November - Joe Hemming (Anglers of the Au Sable president) to talk on the
the Grayling fish farm resolution.
December – Holiday Social with the four SE Michigan TU chapters.
January – Glen Blackwood – Great Lakes Fly Fishing Company
February – Brian Burroughs? With Greg Walz?
March – Dennis Potter
April – Ann Miller
May – Picnic at Meadowlake’s Anchor Island

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm