
Our next general meeting will be January 21, 2025 and will be held in the downstairs meeting room of Lockhart's BBQ restaurant. Lockhart's serves good food and beverages so plan on coming early for dinner around 6pm, meeting to start at 6:30pm. The address is 202 E. 3rd Street, Royal Oak. More details below.

February 2018

Attendees: Jim Zyla, Gordon Baughman, Dan Cronin, Greg Baughman, Dave Parker

Discussion on:

Annual Budget - being prepared by Mollie Proctor


Guide book updates - We have a 'proof' from the lady who is making the updates to our Holywater book, so the book review committee can meet to finalize.

Merger - Jim Zyla has met with Tom Quail to inform him that our chapter is exploring a possible merger with another TU chapter. Jim will approach the Paul Young chapter first.

New Business:

Location and promotion of our March speaker (Dennis Potter) to be handled by Greg. Send notices to the presidents of the other SE Michigan chapters, Jim to send digital file of Dennis's bio so I can include it in the notices.

Letter to be sent out to our membership advertising an open board position and the need for a map worker.

Donations: They are starting to come in. Gordon will start recommendations. Consider donating Coater Brook Trout print to the UP organization that has a program to study the Coaster.

Expo preparations needs to be started. Expo dates are March 10-11 with setup on March 9th starting late afternoon. A signup sheet is available online.

Future meeting dates/programs:

March 13, Dennis Potter (at the Orvis store in Royal Oak)

April 10, Anne Miller (at the Orvis store in Royal Oak)

May 15, Chapter picnic - spey casting clinic